Sunday, February 13, 2011

“One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter.” James Earl Jones


This is a small inspiration board that I put together for holidays. It is made from cork board covered with a vintage linen and it hangs nicely next to the stair well in the kitchen.  each day it reminds the kids that they are as special to me as any other member of the family.  I have valentines cards from their friends to my husband and I, pictures of fun times past, gifts given by some of my kids and a few handmade mementos.  sometimes, a favorite childhood book or toy, and most of the time a quote to inspire their thoughts. I like to think my efforts make them better people as if that would be possible with just a little board....perhaps.... we will never know.

These were designed by
 I was so disappointed when she discontinued her publication of the Home Companion a few years back.  I saved these on my computer because the kids love to print them in black and white and make their own art by coloring them with colored pencils and then  adding glitter embellishments. 

These little mosaic works of art are super easy to make and fun for all with a little glue, grout, and mosaic glass on a vintage lacework plate, add a hanger to the back and you have a terrific valentine's gift in a heartbeat.
This one I gifted to a friend
 I found this cute little celluloid jewelry box and am saving it for that very special occasion

Get Your own Ring Box

Metal music boxes are fun!  This one plays "Ode To Joy"
When you open this brushed aluminum box, you see the sweetest little pink powder pouf full of talc. 
Hand painted porcelain is another fine art i would like to try my hand in. 
A local artist painted these items, I envy the talent!
Another product that I enjoy is the "Stamping Up!" line of stamps and scrap booking supplies sold through local representatives.  It is always fun to have card parties and to see the different designs and combination of colors that people come up with.  These were the valentines that I made last year.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Flowers from Oliver

These vintage envelopes are devine!  I have been saving rolls to do something special with this easter.
I am thinking this place setting would be fun.  i have the same paper that is under the plate as a charger.
Anyone care for vintage ribbon?
These little dolls were naked and very ugly when they arrived at my home.
With a little face lift, and some new duds, they have been transformed. 

My favorite bunch of flowers were a Valentine's gift from Oliver, our exchange student, from Thailand.

These were photographed in my small upstairs living nook.

When I was a child, all of our important flowers were pressed in the family Bible.  My children have never heard of such a thing.  corsages and wedding bouteniers, funeral mementos and baby shower centerpiece sprays were all remembered in this way.

Valentine's Day Rocks!

I like picking the fluff out of belly buttons.
My belly button is always fluff free. :)                       

I love surprise Proposals! CLICK HERE to see Brett's propsal to Kasey!

This picture makes me miss our Sadie.      
Isn't this puppy adorable?                          

Do you ever just have the urge to give your friend a great big kiss 
on the smackers                                                                                
in public                                                                                            
but refrain because kissing a friend                                                  
on the smackers                                                                                 
in public                                                                                           
is socially unacceptable?                                                                                                  
A few years back, my best friend sold her homestead here in Kansas and moved her family to Oklahoma.   
She had overlooked a dilapidated scrap book full of victorian valentines and I (being the dumpster diver      
that I am) just so happened to rescue them from dismay. The best Valentine's Day ever was seeing her          face when I gave her the new scrapbook full of the old favorites her mother had collected since childhood.  My   favorite one from the book was a fully functioning fishing boat on wheels complete with the fish on the  hook and the family dog with it's ears flapping in the wind. I wish I would have snapped a picture of that      particular one before sending the book on to my friend because it reminded me of my Grandpa and the       fishing trips we used to take with him. 

I hope every last one of you have intence love every day of the rest of your life with your friends,   
your family and most of all, with Jesus. May God bless you and hold you in the palm of his hands.